Tips on Buying Cars: Used car return law, used, car

I bought used car feb 21st paid it $ 17,000. They didn't give me the car for 3 days because they found battery and suspension problem. On feb 24th, they gave me the car but I found the car has engine and another suspension problem in same day. I called them same day, and the dealer promissed to repair it. After that they hold the car untill today march 7th.
Do i have any legal right to be refunded?

Hi Wony,

This looks real nasty, I can't really comment with the details you provided, as for legal rights here is a link on my website that you can contact on the right side of screen click on the yellow banner that says Legal Match, then click on Products & Services.

You can state your case for free and you will be contacted if it looks like a valid case,,, You will have to be much more detailed with information than what you provided so far, example,,, your location name and location of dealer, explain in detail the transaction and why you feel a refund should be in order. Sit down with someone that got a good command of the English language and draft up a detailed explanation.
