Tips on Buying Cars: automotive, warranty company, luck steve

I financed a jeep three weeks ago,it has given me many problems and has been in the repair shop 2weeks.after investigating I learn the warranty company is under the impression that the dealer is paying for the repairs and the repair shop thinks the warranty company is responsible,so they refuse to fix it without payment authorization.which means I still dont have a car and im expected to pay the note in one week on a car I dont drive.everyone involved in this situation has failed to properly communicate with me,thats what prompted me to call the warranty do I get out of this deal I dont like how they do business,how messy this whole thing is and im scared it may be a do I cancel without being penalized.thanx

What does your contract say. How much warranty are you covered for??? If there is a warranty you should not be paying. I would suggest you tell the dealer you are going to report them to the attorney general. Your vehicle should have been in good working order when purchased...Do not wait do this immediately...What state are you in?? Good Luck!!