Tips on Buying Cars: New vehicle, hottest cars, dos and donts

QUESTION: I have been without a vehicle for 5 years now (work from home) and my partner and I are ready to buy "my dream" car this summer. I was looking at the Audi Q10 2010. There are no dealers in my city, ELP. The closest is ALB NM or another city in Texas. How do we go about getting the best price "long distance"? When requesting quotes by phone or web are there certain dos and donts? Should we reconsider another car that is easily accessible to us? My partner is buyer savvy and has purchased several cars on her own and two houses but we have never purchased a new luxury car before and want to be very careful this doesn't turn into a nightmare for us :) ANY advise you can give us would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!

ANSWER: What is your personal e-mail

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QUESTION: Either , ,  

I work for BMW and we own a Audi store, Im in Houston TX, I would like to give you a quote from our store and see if it's worth the drive? or shipping. I know your on one of the hottest cars on the market right now and a lot of people are not willing to negotiate on this car.