Tips on Buying Cars: what being green ( ex: to have a Ford Fiesta Econetic) means to you?, strict environmental standards, ford fiesta
Questionwhat being green ( ex: to have a Ford Fiesta Econetic) means to you?
Thanks for your question. Let's see. Being Green! Well, I am one of the few that don't believe that owning a "green" car makes you green. Why? Well because typically you pay a higher price for the vehicle, or little or no discounts as opposed to "non-green" vehicles. You don't really get that much better gas mileage as say a 4 cylinder car with comparable equipment. It takes a long time for you to get your money back for paying that premium price or not getting any discounts. I know that many people would disagree with me, that it is better for the environment, etc. I am just not buying it. Most cars these days are made to such strict environmental standards, that there really is not a huge difference between a non green 4 cylinder vehicle and a green car. I just don't think that it is worth it financially speaking, and really there is little environmental impact when comparing like cars.
Hope this answers your question.
Thanks - JB