QuestionI have just came across a 1997 Volvo 850
Top end rebuilt
190,000 miles
never in an accident
for $2400
My question is this a good car for a mother that drives many miles per day
Is this a good car for me?
Is it good that the top end has been rebuilt and does it add years to the life of the car?
Car life span with top end rebuilt?
Thank you
AnswerHi Traci
Volvo is an excellent vehicle many has gone beyond 500,000 miles, and it's a factor the average Volvo last 18.5 years, should vehicle however have issues down the road repair bills are above average.
It's OK the top end has been rebuilt in this price range the only thing that matters is present CONDITION and that vehicle will outlast your investment.
Buying any used vehicle especially in this price range you must follow some steps to ensure not ending up with a lemon in your driveway, navigate to my website and start with this link it's a first step., second step is an independent mechanical inspection, if dealer will not allow , you must walk away from the deal.
Study my site, and should you have further questions I will be more than happy to help you along.