Tips on Buying Cars: How to get a written quote?, unconditional return policy, luck steve

QUESTION: You are available. If you can’t answer this question, please let us know. A dealer is usually willing to beat the others by $200. But, the dealer is unwilling to give a customer a written quote. Do you know how to get a written quote?

ANSWER: they are not required to give you anything in writing, just a contract when you are ready to sign, which you have the right to review. If they will not give you what you want go elsewhere, or make them an offer and tell them that it is final to the penny...Good luck!


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your reply. If a customer does not sign a contract, the dealer will not give the customer the contract. Can a customer sign the contract and get it without immediate payment or the customer has to make a payment after signing the contract?  

Your first payment is usually due 45 days from the date on the contract, problem you will have is that it is a binding contract with no cooling off period, so if you change your mind you still cannot get out of the contract. Only dealer you could is Carmax, they have a 5 day unconditional return policy with no loss of anything...Hope this helps
