QuestionQUESTION: Is the dealer’s invoice price the same as the invoice price online or the dealer’s invoice price is lower than the invice price online?
ANSWER: Hi Rendy
Dealer invoice price. This is the price printed on the dealer’s invoice from the manufacturer. However, this isn’t necessarily what the dealer actually paid for the vehicle. There are often behind-the-scenes bonuses, such as dealer incentives or a holdback, that give the dealer more profit margin. Looking beyond the dealer invoice price can sometimes save you hundreds of dollars.
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for reply. The invoice price, rebate and incentive are public but the holdback is not. So, how to start an offer/negotiation assuming no incentive and rebate seen in the public but invoice price only. Should the offer/negotiation start from the invoice price or lower than 2-3% of it? Can you explain it?
AnswerYou will never figure the true cost, let dealer give you best price, from there you can start at 10% lower which will never happen, but the ball is in play and it's time to see if you have studied how to negotiate, you will most likely end up somewhere below 5% discount.
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