Tips on Buying Cars: Used Car, extended warranty, ford focus

We recently bought a 2007 Ford Focus.  This car was spotless and look new.  
It had low mileage.  We drove it and it was fine.  We bought it.  We started
having trouble and took it in for repairs.  Apparently it was wrecked and they
put a used transmission in it.  I know this was a mistake and seems
impulsive.  I know we should have know better.  

Now what do we do?  It had an extended warranty which also made it
attractive but it no longer applies.  We have to repair the transmission so that
it functions.  

What do we do now.  How do we sell it?  


thanks for your question. You are in somewhat of a pickel. In all states used cars are sold as is. That means that you except all liability on the vehicle. It is always a risk buying a used car but most don't have problems. The only thing you can do is fix the car. Either way you need to fix it if you are going to sell it or keep it. You will way more money for the car running than you would if it wasn't running. Unfortunalty you don't have any recourse on the individual or dealer unless you can prove that they knew the car was wrecked and did not disclose it to you but even then it would be a very hard case to win because you would have to proove that the dealership or individual purposely decieved and lied to you and that is tough to do.

Hope this helps a little bit.

Thanks - JB