Tips on Buying Cars: Is it possible to obtain a Co-Signer for Income Purposes, first time buyer, gilfriend
I plan on financing a used vehicle this fall (2009). At the time when i will be financing i will have good credit (0 debt) however i am a college student and will have problems presenting the dealership with a steady source of income. Is it possible that i could get my live in girlfriend to co sign not for credit purposes but for her steady source of income?
AnswerThey are still going to look at her credit as well as yours. Do you know your beacon scores, high credit amount and do you have a previous auto loan? Does your gilfriend have previous car credit. If you are a first time buyer,99% of lenders will not do fiends, they will do parents,siblings and spouses. Let me know.
What and how much are you trying to finance?