Tips on Buying Cars: cancel a lease, honda store, honda dealerships

QUESTION: I am from Arizona and I have signed a car lease with Honda dealer yesterday. After having talked to my friends and family, last night, I realized that I signed the lease w/o knowing many of the facts included in it. Now that I realize, I wanted to cancel the lease. Do I have any grace period to cancel the lease?  Your help is highly appreciated, please advise ...

ANSWER: Hi Ashish, You should be able to take it back in the morning. They have not sent the paperwork in to the bank yet. If they are reputable they will not give you a hassle. If they do, call the bank which is probably Honda Financial and tell them immediately you are wanting out of the contract. My son works for a Honda store in Yuma and they are very professional, as most Honda dealerships are.
They will try and talk you into keeping the vehicle, just stay firm. Leave the car there and walk away.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I went to the dealership and firmly mentioned the same. Initially, they didn't agree to cancel the lease and told me they cannot help me with this and that I have no options but to continue with the lease. And then later they gave me an option to purchase the same vehicle by adding a few more dollars to the existing installment amounts (or) continue on the lease. However, on further persuading them, they told me that they will discuss this matter in a meeting with their GSM and their Bosses and will let me know by tomorrow on what the next steps are.
I told them, I will leave the car there, but they said to take it back with me and bring it back tomorrow. They also said, if I leave the Car there, I will still hold the responsibility for any damages caused to the vehicle until they finalize this issue tomorrow. They told me, they are not worried about the miles I put on the car, for having to drive back and forth to the dealership from my home (which is like 5 miles). Are they trying to be smart with me? Or are they planning for some thing in background, to throw me into another hurdle? The only reason why, I had to take the car back is, I have my old car with them which was traded-in during this deal. I am hoping they will cancel the lease and return my old car, atleast by tomorrow.

ANSWER: Ashish, Take that car back and demand your trade in. Call the State of Arizona's Motor Division. They are playing games, and do not let them. Did you call the bank that is on the copy of the contract you got? Did you threaten everyone with fraud?

If they are playing games you will have to be harsh. You have no more time though so take the car in the morning, ask to speak to the manager. Just remember Ashish his job is to intimidate you so you will leave with the vehicle. Don't let him do it.

Get your trade back and email me. Call the dealership now and speak with the GM only.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I talked with the GM today and finally surrendered the new car and took back my old car, paying them 1000$. The GM said, this is the incentive (1000$) that they earn out for selling a new car from the inventory and that it was a loss for them, so he had me pay the amount in order to let me go out of the contract. I had no other option but to pay him this amount. He also, took my signature on a document stating that this was the settlement amount taken from me, for letting me go out of this contract.
Prior to going to the dealership, I also contacted the bank, but they refused to help me in any regards and told me that it is solely upto the discretion of the dealership to cancel/continue the contract - and they additionally mentioned that I would be very fortunate, if the dealership cancels the contract.
All in all, it has been one of my worst experiences ever in my life. So lessons learnt in a hard and rough way, paying a hefty price.

Thanks! for all of your support. I truly appreciate it.

You got so screwed over, That is such a scam. I'd call the Arizona Dealer divison and report them.

There is no way you should have paid that.

I'm so sorry you had that happen to you. My web-site is

You really never said why you wanted out of the lease. If I can help you let me know,