QuestionI live in Michigan and want to buy a car in Ohio from a dealership - what is required for title, taxes, etc.
Thank you - Marie
AnswerI can usually find these answers quite quickly on the respective state's websites, but neither Michigan nor Ohio provide any clear-cut answers. Here are their sites; take your time and dig through them:
I'd suggest a call or visit to your local Michigan office for the Secretary of State, which you can find through this site:
In nearly every state, you'd obtain a clean title (one without outstanding loans or encumbrances) from the seller and take it to your own state's motor-vehicle office, where they will use it to create a new, in-state title. You'll need to provide proof of insurance, and one or both of the states may be able to provide a document that will allow you to transport the vehicle back home until you can get it registered and titled. Here in New York, we call it an In-Transit Permit. It acts as a 30-day temporary license plate, but you need to provide proof insurance first in order to get it.