Tips on Buying Cars: Automobile Title and Power of Attorney, automobile title, duplicate title
QuestionI recently backed away from the purchase of a new vehicle after starting the process for reasons I would rather not go into. They do not have my automobile title, but do have a power of attorney for transfer of the title signed by both my wife and I. Though the dealer is 'reputable', I am worried that they could take my automobile. I don't believe they can because they do not have the title. I just want to get a better understanding of how this works for my relief. I believe the purpose of the power of attorney is so that once they have the title, they can sign it without me, or transfer it without me.
Answer Your right, they need the title. A bad dealer could apply for a duplicate title and do a transfer but the legal problems they would have would be to much. You can ask and should have the dealer give you all documents that you and your wife signed. The only thing they can keep is the credit application, federal law requires for it to be kept on file for 2 years at the dealer. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Go to the dealer and get all documents you signed and that will end all this.