Tips on Buying Cars: two party title, boyfriends name, dmv office
QuestionI have a question about my car. it is in my name and my moms boyfriends name the title says "and" but he has already signed the title for me to get his name off of it or do what I want with it. but now he just took the car and I dont know what my rights are. I have 3 kids and no way to get them to school or anything. can I take it back ? I still have the title and the registration and the insurance is in my name. he isnt driving it its just sitting in his yard. what can I do?
Thanks for your question. You are technically the owner just as he is. You can take the car back if you want, since you do have the title with his signature signing it over to you. If I were you, I would go straight to the DMV office and get the title transferred into your name only. If you do this, then the car is only legally yours, and you have ownership of it, and can take it back, and report it stolen if he takes it again. Call your local DMV office and see what is needed to get the vehicle solely in your name.
Hope this helps.
Thanks - JB