Tips on Buying Cars: Lease(NISSAN), nissan rogue, murano
QuestionHello, My lease will be up in late January. The dealer that I leased the vehicle from has been contacting me about a new vehicle. I have had dialog with him. Here is what he offered me. LMK if what you think?
The Nissan Rogue S will be 249 for 24 months, 259 for 36 months or 248 for 39 months with 1966 down the same as the last time plus motor vehicle fee. The Murano S number are 356 for 36 months or 344 for 39 months. We will make your last two payments.
It sounds normal. They are making you a pretty good offer on both vehicles. It really is up to you. The Murano will hold its value better over time than the Rogue, but you are doing a lease so it really doesn't matter which vehicle holds its value. They both have very good ratings, and are both very good vehicles, it just depends on your taste in vehicles. The Rogue is much smaller, and the Murano is considered a large crossover. If they are going to make your last two payments, I would decide which vehicle you want and go for it. Make sure you look at the figures and make sure you are NOT paying MSRP for either vehicle before rebates.
Hope this helped.
Thanks - Jb