Tips on Buying Cars: Bad Vehicle Trade, dirt bikes, voice mails
QuestionI recently traded a S10 pick up truck for a Cavalier I found on Craigslist. My boyfriend spoke to, who we thought was the owner, of the car several times and we went to look at the car as well before the trade. The guy said the car was in good condition, but we couldn't test drive it because it didn't have a plate on it. Turned out the kid was only 15 and the car was in grandma's name, but we met the Grandparents who also said the car was in good condition and the kid was saving it until he turned 16. He wanted a truck to be able to transport his dirt bikes around. We transferred titles over and the same day driving home from their house the car began to overheat. We spoke to the boy asking if he knew about that and he said he didn't know that it overheated. Grandma said she would take it out every now and again and never had any problem. Told him we wanted to trade back or that he could purchase the truck, but that we didn't want a car that couldn't be driven. After closer inspection by a garage we found out that the frame is rotted and some parts are held on by some sort of rope. He said he didn't realize it was that bad and would talk to Grandparents about buying truck rather than trading back. After several attempts to contact him again, he quit answering our calls and never returned voice mails or emails, we tried going to the house to see Grandparents, but no one was home. Legally, is there anything that we can do to get our truck back.
AnswerThere are no lemon laws that protect consumers when it comes to private sales; only when you purchase from a dealer can you look to a government agency that might force a refund or return. Your only recourse is to contact a lawyer and have him or her pursue this. As the car is held together with rope, you certainly have a case for fraud. But you should contact a lawyer immediately.