Tips on Buying Cars: Lease Return, bmw x5, lease contracts
QuestionI am turning in my BMW X5 2005 in California, it has 44,000 miles. I wanted to find out if I am responsible to replace all four tires. They don't look bald or badly worn. They want to charge me $800 for this. I have asked for an independent inspection which they will do. The issue is not that they may need replacing but there is nothing in my contract that says I must pay for tires.
You may very well be responsible for the replacement of those four tires. The reason, is that you are responsible for abnormal wear and tear, and the up keep of the vehicle. If the tires are below the state minimum, or below a preset determination of BMW then you are responsible for them. It is the same as if there was a scratch on the vehicle, you would be responsible for that as well. I applaud you for getting an independent inspection, because that inspection may not require new tires. If you look on the back of your contract for the lease, I am sure that somewhere in the fine print, it says that if the tires are less than 3/32 inch of tread remaining, or any tire not part of a matching set of 5 tires that you are responsible. This information is usually written on the back of the contract where you signed. I would pull out your original contract and read the entire back of the contract. I am not sure what the laws are in California, but in Texas, it specifically mentions tires on our lease contracts, as I would imagine it does in California as well.
I hope this works out for you. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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