Tips on Buying Cars: Vehicle Database, vehicle database, auto stores


I'm starting a reference website for consumers of automobiles (think but different) and was wondering if there is a service/company that provides access to a database with all specifications for vehicles.

Do you know of any?  Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for your question.  I think what you are doing is a GREAT idea.  I am not aware of any vehicle database out there that would suit what you are looking for, but I KNOW that there has to be one.  What do all of the auto stores use?  Know what I mean.  I am just not versed on the technical side of the automotive business enough to answer your question.  I will do some searching around and see if I can find something for you, and will get back with you on it.  But, again, I do think what you are developing here is a great idea.  Good Luck.

Thanks -
