Tips on Buying Cars: Buying Car for the 1st time questions, getting jipped, hippie friends

QUESTION: Hi there,
How are you?
I need to buy a car ASAP- i have no knowledge on cars whatsoever and Im terrified of getting jipped by sneaky car dad is advising the following:
1. buy new b/c people only return cars if theres something wrong with them
2. put 5,000 down and
3. buy honda accord 2007
Is this good info?
What in your opinion is the lowest priced high gas mileage safe car out there right now?
Are there sites that u can put in specific criteria like price range, safety which is my 1st priority, great gas mileage as a 2nd priority (I commute a lot daily), etc and they do a database search and come up with a selection for you?
Lastly, if I fix my credit today (i have an unpaid charge from years ago due to a bill never arriving) do you have any clue when that might clear so that I dont have to hear the finance guy say, your credit is bad, 20% is the best interest rate we can give you?
Thanks very much for your help :)

Actually buying a preowned 1 or 2 year old car is fine. You can get a car fax run on it. Some people lease for 2 years and return it. Some dealers will use them as a loaner in the service department. Any of these would be okay.

I don't reccomend putting any more than 1500 down.

The Honda accord is one of the finest out there and has great gas mileage.

It will take about 30 days to show on your credit. Have you ever financed a car before? You will probably qualify for a first time buyers program. Honda and Toyota would have that.

Where do live Aly, I know dealers everywhere. Maybe I could steer you to a good one.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thanks for the info. I live in Berkeley, CA.
Thanks again,

Aly, Don't know any dealer in Berkely (probably have old hippie friends still hanging out from the 70's!!). I would suggest you go to a honda store. Call in advance and see if there is a woman salesperson and deal with her. Don't shop your credit everywhere, it will hurt your beacon score. Find the one person you like and think will help you, then let them pull your credit once you find that person. You should get a decent interest rate and only try to put down 1500 to 2000. Have them pull a carfax on any used vehicle you might find. If you find a car around 20,000 keep in mind your payment will be about 410. $15k payment about 3100.00.
Good Luck Aly, you'll find the right person that will help you. Let me know if I can help anytime.