Tips on Buying Cars: cars, mechanical problem, state laws
QuestionI just bought a car 3/1/08, can i return it on 3/3/08 if I see that I may can't afford it?
AnswerYou will have to call the DMV and ask about your state laws regarding vehicle purchase returns... otherwise.. if you purchased from a dealer - they may take it back willingly... If you can't return it through the state laws (some states may allow it, some may not) - you can always ask the seller very nicely.... although they don't have to take it back.. If i were the seller I wouldn't.. its up to you to purchase a vehicle within your means...
Call the DMV ASAP - if there is a return policy in your state - it is either a 10 day or 30 day, but generally these policies require some sort of mechanical problem or vehicle related issue... never hurts to try though - if it doesn't work - call the seller.. if they wont take it back... list the car for sale ASAP and see what happens..
Good Luck!