Tips on Buying Cars: time to sell?, 2001 bmw 325i, bmw 325i

My 2001 BMW 325i has 89,000. I bought it new with the idea of keeping it until it had 150,000+ miles, but everytime something goes wrong with it (which has been a lot lately) it costs $1000 or more to fix. I'm told the engine and transmission are "bullet-proof," but I've had to replace fuel injectors, transmission solenoids, multiple window motors, etc. At what point does it make sense to cut your losses and get another car? I realize it';s an individual decision and tolerance level, but any guidelines would be appreciated.

Hi Stu,

The time to cut your losses is usually when the cost to keep it on the road running smoothly and safely cost more than what the car is worth.

I would safely say that; if you're not terribly annoyed with an occasional small issue (meaning not a major engine overhaul) I would keep running the "Beamer."

That particular car will definitely run like a champ for a long time coming. If it starts to put you in the poor house, unload it.

But based on how you explained your car, it's book value is at least 10k or more.

Good luck and I hope this helps!
