Tips on Buying Cars: importing a used bmw x5 into Canada, importing a bmw, bmw x5

Can you tell me when importing a BMW X5 into Canada are there any modifications that are required? and if so how much would they approximately cost?


Thanks for the question.  I am sorry for the delay in answering your question.  I would imagine there are some modifications and costs required to import a vehicle to the United States, but I am not familiar with that.  I have done a little research for you, and found a great website which is

This will give you all the information that you need to know in order to complete your import from Canada.  It looks like it depends on exactly why you are importing the vehicle.  I would also check with United States Customs and make sure that there isn't anything there that you need to check in on.

Sorry that I can not answer your question completely, but I wanted to give you a resource to look into.

Thanks -
