Tires: Directional Tires, directional tires, speed rating

G'day Barry,

My wife drives a 2003 Focus ZTW wagon. It came equipped with directional tires. Can I simply change over to non-directional tires of the same size. The directional tires are quite a bit more expensive and of course interfere with standard tire rotation practices.


Yes, you can.

- BUT -

It isn't "Directional" that makes tires expensive - although directional tires tend to be more expensive.  

And it isn't the speed rating that makes the tires expensive - although higher speed rated tires tend to be more expensive.

Just be aware that handling - they way the car feels - is by and large affected by speed rating.  So if you like the way the car feels now - or you don't - you need to pay attention to what characteristics the tire in question has.  There is considerable range.

- AND -

It isn't "directional" that is a problem for rotation.  By far the most important part of rotation is that it be done regularly.  Front to back is fine.  "X"-ing is only slightly better - not enough to worry about.