Tires: new old tires, 6 years, 3 years
QuestionWith all that I've read about many tires being sold as new that are actually 6 or 7 (or more) years old and being very dangerous at that, I now know how to determine when the "new" tires I'm purchasing were manufactured. In your opinion, how old is an "acceptable" age for the "new" tires to be?
For example, if I buy new tires that have were manufactured 2 1/2 years ago, should I return them and ask for fresher ones?
I think anything within 3 years is acceptable. But I also think that you have to consider that if you are getting a bargain, it might be because the tires are a little old and they are trying to move them before they get too old.
But I also think anything older than 6 years should never be sold as new.