Tires: tire size, harsh winter conditions, winter tech

I have a Mazda B-4000 rear wheel drive p225/r7015 I need to find a very good all season tire that does well on ice and snow.Any suggestions? Thanks

Dear Kirk,
Thank you for using AllExperts!
Tires designed and intended for intermittent snow (all season) use must be marked with the letters "M+S" on the tire's sidewall.  There exists a definition about the geometry of the tread to assist with Winter traction, however there are no snow testing requirements that the tire must meet. Considering this, it is wise to seek other consumer's feedback on their satisfaction with certain brands of all season tires.  You can find ratings for various AS tires on The Tire Rack or 1010tires web site.  Another good source is Consumer Reports magazine which requires a subscription.  Not all AS tires perform well in snow and ice as was shown by testing conducted on behalf of Canadian transport officials not too many years ago.  Currently, Transports Quebec warns that some all season tires may not perform well at temperatures below 7 deg. C (45 deg F), consequently dedicated snow tires are recommended for harsh Winter conditions.  
Having checked both The Tire Rack and 1010tires, I note that there are a fairly wide variety of all season tires available in size P225/70R15.  As an expert on this site, I must maintain neutrality on brand preference.
Hope this helps!