Tires: tires 2003 dodge neon, wheel drive car, dodge neon
Questionwill a 195/60/15 fit in place of my 185/60/15 that i have now? theses will be rear tires b/c im having trouble finding tires in the 185 size.
AnswerDear Ryan,
Thank you for using AllExperts!
I'm not a big fan of increasing the diameter of the originally installed tire size due to unknown issues such as vehicle/body interference, braking efficiency or handling. I would encourage you to seek the original size; your local tire dealer may be able to order it for you. I note that the 195/60R15 is nearly one half inch (0.47") taller than the 185/60R15 according to industry design standards. This additional overall diameter has no benefit to you, and the larger tire size may cost more than the 185. By the way, in the event that you are only installing two new tires, the new tires should be installed on the rear (even with a front-wheel-drive car). This is for safety reasons.
I hope this helps.