Tires: Aged tires on class c motorhome, class c motorhome, fleetwood rv

How can we get dealer (MikeThompson RV Fountain ValleyCA) or Fleetwood (RV mfr) or tire maker Kumho to replace unsafe aged tires installed on 2010 Quest, recently purchased? One tire has already disintegrated on the road. Tires were made in 2006 and we didn't know about checking age of tires before taking delivery of RV.


First, tires that are 4 years old shouldn't have issues, so I suspect there is some other problem.

So if I were you, I would file a claim for the damages to the vehicle through both Fleetwood and Kumho.  That way you have both of them on the hook.

But be aware that it is quite possible that the disintegration was not caused by the age of the tire - and Kumho ought to be able to confirm or deny that proposition.


Followup:  You should file a claim with Kumho corporate, not with a Kumho dealer.  The dealer is not going to know what to do, but the US headquarters of Kumho will not only be experienced in what to do, but will have established procedures to follow.  It is important that they be able to examine the tire and determine what they think happened.  That MIGHT lead to an issue with Fleetwood as the RV manufacturer.  Kumho's explanation will guide you if this is a possibility.

Just be aware that the problem might simply be a puncture that has been run without inflation pressure - in which case, neither Kumho, nor Fleetwood, would have responsibilities to bear.