Tires: Fifth wheel Carlise Tires has dip all the way around sidewall, confidence thanks, fifth wheel
QuestionSir, I'm on a trip and have noticed a dip all the way around my sidewalls approx. 2" from edge if rim. I checked tires before and when arrived 1100 miles later. they are within 4 lps of max inflation. Tires are only 1 1/2 yrs old. Tread looks excellent. May I RV on w/confidence. Thanks,
I think you need to very carefully read the sidewalls of the tires. I'm going to bet they say the maximum pressure is considerably higher than 41 psi. On RV's that use ST type tires, that is the pressure you should be using.
I'm going to bet the sidewalls are starting to fail.
You need to get the vehicle to a tire dealer immediately - not tomorrow - NOW! And drive slowly - no more than 35 moh.