Tires: Load Capacity/Tire (PSI) Inflation Table Chart, bf goodrich, inflation pressure
QuestionI wish to obtain a chart for the subject above, concerning PSI's 35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80 for (LBS Single Axle# and #LBS Dual Axle# for BF Goodrich LT235/85R16/E Commercial TA-#All Season# and Commercial TA-#Tracton). THANK YOU
For LT type tires, it does not matter who manufacturers the tire, the load vs inflation pressure relationship is the same. That relationship is published by The Tire and Rim Association (TRA) in a yearbook. Unfortunately, the only income TRA gets is from selling the yearbook and they do not allow it to be published, especially over the internet. BTW, the yearbook costs $85.00.
But the good news is that sometimes you can find bits and pieces of the tables - and there is one here:
The table you are looking for is on page 7.
But I should warn you. The table is a MAXIMUM and applies only for ideal conditions - which really don't exist. So the actual loading has to be adjusted downward the more deviation there is from ideal conditions. This is one of the lessons from the Ford / Firestone situation afew years back.