Tires: specifications of tyres, passenger car tires, bicycle tires
QuestionWhat are the specifications of Tyres used for Bicycles, Bicyle Taxis & Tricycles in India ( Asian Country ) and Tanzania ( African Country).
What is the difference between Bicycle & Bicycle Taxi.
I suspect you don't mean specifications (that is, each company's proprietary recipes and building specifications), but mean the standards against which the tires are designed. There is an organization called the indian Tyre Technical Advisory Committee (ITTAC) that is the standards setting organization for India. They consult with the other tire standardizing organization in the world, such as the Tire and Rim Association (US), and The European Tyre and Rim Technical Organization (Europe), but ITTAC will publish standards for tires unique to their part of the world - and that would include bicycle tires and tire for bicycle taxi's. For example, the US organization (Tire and Rim Association) no longer publishes standards for bicycle tires as there are no such tires produced in the US, so any standard would be mute.
I am most familiar with the US based standards for passenger car tires - and they are closely allayed with the European and Japanese based standards. As we get further away from what is common in the US for passenger cars, my level of expertise drops.
In this case, I can not tell you what the standards are for bicycle tire, but I'll bet it is page after page of information - much too big to post in this format. I also can not tell you about bicycle taxi tires - another item unique to that part of the world.
But if you google the ITTAC, then you may find links to some information.