Tires: directional tires, Winter Tires
QuestionAre directional tires recommended for Minnesota winter driving?
WINTER tires are recommended for Minnesota winter driving. It makes only a minor amount of difference if they are directional or not.
BTW, you'll want 4 winter tires, not just 2. If you are going to put winter tires on a vehicle, not only does the vehicle have to get going, but it also has to stop - and winter tires are needed for both conditions.
Now that would seem to apply to RWD, AWD and 4X4's, but what about FWD? The rear tires also should be the same. The theory is that if you lose control of one end of the car, when the vehicle slows down, the traction will return. if you lose control at the front, when the traction returns you'll be pointed the right direction to avoid what is in front of the vehicle. But if you lose control of the rear, when the traction returns, you'll be pointed in the wrong direction to avoid anything the vehicle is headed towards (backing into!). So the general rule is that you want the best tires on the rear regardless of the type of drive.