Tires: 8r 19.5 vs 245/70/19.5, rv dealer, dealer options
QuestionI recently saw your answer on these sizes.
My question is how big of a problem is the spacing? Can I put the 245's in a dual config? Are spacers involved? I would prefer this route if possible as the 8r 19.5's are getting hard to find. Are there any other options?
Thank you
The problem of the spacing is very large. An unusual failure takes place when the sidewall touch. It takes awhile to develop, but the failure is always hidden until the tire fails. So the spec for spacing should not be violated.
Can you use spacers? I suppose, but most dually setups don't seem very accommodating for spacers, but that's something you'll have to ask the RV dealer.
Options? Talk around the 'net. I'm sure you are not alone with this problem and others may have come up with solutions that work. I just don't know enough about the various vehicles out there to be of assistance - other than the rubber portion of things.