Tires: Toyota Tacoma, toe out, causing tire to wear, toyota tacoma 4x4, toyota tacoma

I have a 04 Toyota Tacoma, 4x4, V6. A while back I got my tires aligned and
noticed that both tires seem to be wearing as if they tires are sitting toe-out.
I went back to the people that aligned it and they told me that it is my right
front-bearing that is out. (after a lot more bs stories that i shot down) With
more research and talking to different shops, if they bearing was out there
would be a grinding noise, and there is no noises. Also, if one bearing was
out, and causing one to be toe-out, and the other (left front) is perfectly
aligned, shouldn't the left tire be wearing fine. They are both wearing the
same. I am still doing more research and looking at the truck. I don't know if
the bearing just needs to be tightened, or if it is another problem. But if
anyone knows more about what could be happening and can throw in their
2-cents that would be great! Thanks.


First, alignments generally don't stay the same over time.  So your first step would be to see where it is now.

Second, once a tire has developed a wear pattern due to misalignment, it doesn't "unwear" the pattern that is already there.  Put another way, getting an alignment doesn't add rubber back onto the tire.

So maybe the tire is still showing the old wear pattern?  If it is than the only solution is to move the tires to a different position and then remember that you did that.

- OR -

Replace the tires