Tires: one replacement tire, winter studded tires, razor blade
Questionvery similar to a fellow Anchorage asker- today we picked up our 2005 Pilot from the dealer, where it was getting some work done. While at the dealer they had driven it over a razor blade, causing an unfixable flat. The tires are our winter studded tires... we bought them used, and estimate they are two seasons old. The dealer said they have 11/32 tread. They have old fashioned aggresive studs. the dealer, doing us a "favor" gave us one of the only Pilot studded tires they sell-- totally different brand but same size. The studs are also the newer kind, much less aggressive. We questioned whether having one differnet tire was unsafe and/or bad for the transmission.. the dealer service guy said "no- they just say that at tire companies to sale more tires".. But i read online that is wrong- it can actually change the handling and damage the transmission. What is your opinion. I hope to hear back soon, so i maybe have ammunition when I cause a fuss and say they owe us either the same brand and model tire or four new tires of the new brand and model they carry...
AnswerIf the vehicle is AWD or 4WD then it's best to have four tires of the same size and wear. That is, unless this person knows something that the whole auto and tire industries does not know. And I doubt this to be the case. The difference in traction from the different type of studs could also lend to problems.
If the vehicle is FWD or RWD. Having the "Odd Tire" mounted on the rear shouldn't cause you a problem nor should the different stud types.
FYI: even though the tires are only two seasons old, I think it is safe to say that the tires are at least 3 years old. Next season I would consider replacing with some updated technology.