Tires: Accord: Tire Rotation & New Tire Noise, inflation pressure, tire noise
I had my tires rotated, at 25k (no idea on previous rotation schedule since I just bought the car at 21k), and am now picking up new road noise. I have not paid attention to the tire pressure since I bought the car 5 months ago. The alignment of the car is slightly off center, but nothing extreme.
Do you think the noise should taper off as the newly moved wheel gets worn down? Is this a larger problem and I should have the wheels balanced, have the car aligned, or have the tires checked?
This is irregular wear and irregular wear is caused by misalignment and aggravated by insufficient rotation practice and insufficient inflation pressure.
It's quite likely that all 3 components are playing a part here.
In theory the noise should diminish as the tire wear a new pattern into it. But to prevent further problems, I would suggest getting an alignment, rotating every 5K to 8K and checking the inflation pressure once a month.