Tires: tires, chev blazer, mileage warranty

QUESTION: My son gave me a 2002 chev. Blazer 4wd he put new kelly navigator gold tires on it but the tread is wearing off too fast.  I have only put 15,000 miles on them. Also one has small cracks where side meets tread. he lives in Pa. I am in Fl. But I would love to get the best suited tire for this truck I feel these are the wrong tires.

ANSWER: Betty,

 As for possible premature wear I will ask, as will the dealer, if the tires have been rotated at least three times during this 15,000 miles ?  If not this could account for the tread wear and in most cases is NOT covered under tread wear or road hazard warranties.

 If the rotations have been performed then you may persuade a Goodyear/Kelly dealer to prorate the tires for mileage warranty.

As for the cracks, without actually seeing the cracks it's hard to determine what type of cracks are present.  But, in lue of the tire having been overloaded then this could possibly be adjustable under the manufacture's workmanship and material warranty which comes with all tires approved for use in the United States.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  What tirs do you think would last. I do highway driving. there seems to be so many different treads til it makes you wonder. Being Florida there is alot of RAIN. Thanks so much Betty


 The roads in Florida are very abrasive due to the high content of shell that is mixed with asphalt.  After you assure that the front end is both aligned and that no parts are worn.  I would recommend Toyo, Bridgestone or Cooper in a highway tread design.  All these manufacturers offer high mileage tires that perform great in the rain.  Also, each manufacture will stand behind it's mileage warranty without you having to jump through hoops.  Make sure that the mileage at installation is recorded on your receipt.