Tires: Innerliner, shoulder region, period time
I have a problem in my factory that occurs to the interline in curing process, sometimes at the splice but sometimes at another position on the innerliner. The phenomena is that rubber can't fully fill at these positions. It's not like crack, and the defect on innerliner goes along the cords of the carcass, usually underneath the shoulder portion where the cords are most stretched and bended. It's not easy to observe, hand force has to be used to see the defect open. I don't know exactly where the problem comes from: bladders pattern don't match with tires after a period time of using or steam linkage due to pinholes or trapped air or somethings else ???
I really need some guidance from you !
Thanks a lot
If it is difficult to diagnose this stuff without seeing the defect, but this sounds like a bladder in the early stages of leaking. Trapped air could also cause this.
First, you should be recording the number of cycles a bladder recieves. That information will lead you to discover that you can predict when a bladder is going to fail - and then arrange to replace it before that happens. When we first did this, we learned that our prediction reduced the catastrophic bladder failures, and allowed us to see that these were sometimes preceeded by small leaks that caused cords to show in the shoulder region. We lowered the cycles at bladder exchange and the problem more or less when away.
But one of the key elements is that the inside lube absolutely without fail must be dry before the tire is cured. Check on that as well.