Tires: Tire Pressure tolerance on Run Flats, pressure questions, placard
QuestionI have run flats on my Cooper and the placard says to inflate to 35psi. Is it ok to overinflate by 1psi?
I'm not quite sure how to structure this answer, so bear with me if it gets a little wordy.
The placard pressure is the pressure the vehicle manufacture decided gave them the best compromise in handling, ride, durability, etc. So that pressure is a "safe", fully tested value - and it's the standard answer I give when I don't know that the person asking the question has a different priority. This is particularly true when I suspect that the person asking the question isn't very knowledgeable and not likely to remember some complicated formula.
Many folks have a different set of priorities - I do! - and can handle a bit of complication. In those cases, I think it is OK to use up to 5 psi above the placard pressure. I think beyond that starts to get into some areas were safety is being compromised too much - but that's just my opinion.
Under no circumstances should you inflate the tires byond the maximum stated on the sidewall of the tire. (OK! OK! There are a few - but it's only a FEW!!!)
So hopefully, you'll understand why I answer the pressure questions the way I do, and what the answer to your question would be.