Tires: rim/tire, flat tire, traction
Questionyesterday i hit my 20" rim/tire up against a curb. the rim is partially bent out and that part of the tire is partially flat. the rest of the rim and tire is fully functional. is there any chance of a quick fix? hammering the rim into shape and filling it back up? thank you for your time.
AnswerSorry to say but the rim and tire are not functional and can not be fix or repaired correct and safe. Any rim that is damage is unsafe and weak. Hammering it back will cause the rim to break or blow out making it unsafe. A flat tire will have cuts or rim damaged known as run flat. That is the rim made marks inside the flat tire making it unsafe and unable to be repair. A flat tire sitting in place will or can leave marks fromthe rim again making it unable to repair. To make sure that the tire was not run flat and has no rim damage to the tire, have it checked and ask if the tire has rim damaged inside the tire. Hammering the rim back will make it weak and unsafe and will cause the rim and tire to blow out while driving causing you to wreck.
Buy a new rim and two new tires. Always run the same kind of tire with the same amount of traction on the same axle to avoid any damage to the axle.