Tires: 05 Durango 4wd - Vibration, pirelli scorpion, driveline vibration


I have a new 2005 Dodge Durango limited 4wd which I bought new. It currently has 35,000 Km on it (21,000 Miles). From the moment I drove out of the dealer I had noticed vibration in the steering wheel which becomes noticable from 40 mph onwards. I balanced the tires and the problem continued. I returned the car to the dealer and was told to take the car to the Tire dealer/distributer. They inspected all 4 tires and told me there is nothing wrong with them. I returned back to the car dodge dealer and they inspected the car and found nothing. I went to a couple of tire experts and balanced the tires 3 more times with no result. So I decided to replace all the stock tires with brand new Pirelli Scorpion tires. The car still vibrates with the new tires as well. I had the rims, breaks, and suspension inspected and found nothing that could cause the vibration. I need help in resolving this issue, I love my car but this problem is pushing me to sell it.

Dubai, UAE


Find someone with an "On the car" dynamic balancer.  Have him first balance the tires off the car, then balance the tires on the car.  If there is a difference, then some rotating component is out of balance and it is not the tires and the rims.  Balancing on the car might be enough to remove the vibration.

But if there isn't a difference between on and off the car, then I suspect you have a driveline vibration and you ought to be looking at driveshaft - both balance and alignment.