Tires: 1994 chevy dually desiel, chevy dually, alignment problem
Questionwhat could be causing my front tires to chop, i do check my pressure, it's in for service now and they say the front end looks good and tight and that i may want to see if there is a warranty on the tires since they are not very old, please advise
Basically, you have an alignment problem.
My experience has been that "Looks Good" or " In Spec" is not good enough - the alignment tolerances as published by the vehicle manufacturers are twice as wide as they should be.
The other thing is tire rotation. Tires like to point straight ahead. Vehicles like a little toe, and since it is the vehicle that is important, a little toe in will cause a little irregular on the tire. Rotating the tires regularly prevents this from becoming a major problem.
I should also mention that "spirited" driving tends to cause irregular wear.