Tires: Car pulling/drifting to the right, nissan maxima se, 2003 nissan maxima
I recently bought a 2003 Nissan Maxima SE. The car came with a set of Dunlop Graspic DS-1 winter tires which I just had mounted on steel rims and put on the car. After picking up the car I notice that it seems to be pulling or drifting to the right now. Like, if I keep the steering wheel centered the car drifts slightly right. I have to keep the steering wheel rotated slightly to the left to keep the car going straight. And even then, if I let go of the steering wheel the car will gradually start to pull more and more to the right. Could this be caused by the tire switch? It never did that with the previous tires.
It could something as simple as a difference in tire pressure.
But it could be the tires and the way to tell is to swap the front tires and if the pull changes direction, it's the tires.
If the pull doesn't change direction, it's alignment.
And if the pull dissappears, then it's both tires and alignment.
BTW you can't "fix" the pull in the tire, you have to replace one or more.
So start by checking the tire pressure.