Tires: 1666 gmc, rim width, acceptable change
Question Hi I emailed you last night about tires and rims and I can't get your answer by clicking on web address or by typing it one character at a time. I was hoping my answer would have been posted so I could read it. Thanks!
Here's what I answered - hope you can read it.
As far as load capacity and rim width goes (your truck has 7" rims), this is an acceptable change. But I don't about how much room there is under the fenderwell (probably plenty), so I suggest you find a web site devoted to your vehicle and ask there, Someone has probably already done this.
As far as 17" goes - be sure you get enough load capacity and that means an "LT" tire, not a "P".
I'm not sure the rims from your 2001 will fit - rims are really outside my area of expertise.