Questionmy tire's tread are wearing out. Is that normal for a two year old car?
Tread wear is a function of many things, but let me give you the ones that have the greatest impact.
1) Type of driving: I like to call this country vs city. Most tread wear occurs in the cornering mode, so if you live in the city and turn corners a lot, then you will wear your tires faster than someone who lives in the country and drives for miles without turning a corner.
2) Drive vs steer positions: Free wheeling positions tend to wear tires much more slowly than drive positions, and steer positions wears tires more rapidly than non steer positions. That means that RWD drive cars wear the front tires about the same rate as the rears - although the rears wear in the center and the fronts wear on the shoulders - but FWD, like your Camry, will wear the front about 2 1/2 times faster than the rears, but both will be fairly even wear. This is why rotation is extremely important on FWD.
3) Alignment: It is extremely important that the tires be pointed in the right direction or they will be dragged sideways and that will wear them faster.
4) Inflation pressure: This stiffens the tire making it more resistant to wear.
5) Tire type: High speed rated tires (V, W, Y and Z) are generally designed to grip better than lower speed rated tires (S and T) and the way they get grip is to sacrifice tread wear.
So I suspect you have a multiple of factors going on here, and while you didn't tell me how many miles you have on the tires (I know folks who put over 20,000 miles a year), I think you can figure out what may be the problem.