Tires: pressure changes, rules of thumb, pressure changes

I'd like to understand a basic rules of thumb in regards to new tires and any new adjustements to tire pressure.
could you please complete this statement;
If your new tire has a higher load rating like 95 instead of 90 your new pressure is  __more__equal__less.


Unfortunately, the way the question is stated...well....I can't answer it in that form.  let me try this:

Original tire (LI90)..New tire (LI95)...Pressure?
Standard Load.........Standard Load.....Lower by 6 to 9 psi
Standard Load.........Extra Load.......Lower by 1 to 2 psi
Extra Load............Standard Load....Lower by 9 to 12 psi
Extra Load............Extra Load.......Lower by 7 to 10 psi

OK, so this says always lower, but the reason I did this is to check every possible combination - which took me awhile to do, but I now feel comfortable with the answer and I feel comfortable that you'll undersdtand that there are Standard Load and Extra Load tires and you need to account for that!