Tires: I like a particular Goodyear tire but its a 94T, toyota camry xle, 2005 toyota camry xle
QuestionMy Dunlop tires on my 2005 Toyota Camry XLE V6 engine are rated 94V (215/60/R16 94V M+S).
Can I switch to a T rated tire? Is it a safety issue?
The Goodyear tire recommended by Consumer Reports that I liked is a Goodyer Assurance TriplTred p215/60R16 94 T BL.
I don't drive my car like a sports car. Okay, once in a while I may corner a little hard but typically I take it nice and slow. Once in a while, I may approach 80-85 MPH but that's it. I'm a conservative driver and I prefer a quiet tire. The Goodyear tire was one of the quietest from Consumer Reports.
There IS a safety issue.
Some of what was learned from the Ford / Firestone situation was that the more capable a tire is, the less likely it is to fail. Interestingly, this included failures due to road hazards and increased load carrying capacity (tire size) and increased speed rating were both effective in reducing failures.
I can understand dropping from V to H, but an H rated tire is such a remarkable improvement over an S or T that I can't in good faith recommend using anything lower than an H rated tire.