Tires: Proper Tire Inflation, proper tire inflation, proper inflation
QuestionI am curious to know based on the tire load tables what the proper inflation should be for an upgraded set of tires.
I can tell you that the placard states GR70-15 and a cold pressure of 20 psi.
The new upgraded size is (2) P25560R-15 and (2) P27560R-15
A lot of things have happened since the days of Alphanumeric tire sizing.
And one of them is that tires need to have a minimum amount of inflation pressure to make sure they saty on the rim during cornering. While folks may argue about what the value is, I prefer a little more pressure - 26 psi minimum.
Plus, it's been learned that there are fewer failures if vehicles use more tire load capacity. So I would recommend you take advantage of our experience and use 26 psi.