QuestionI have a Honda 04 and it recommends a 30 PSI when the tires are hot. It looks and feels way too soft. How much higher can I increase the pressure without creating uneven wear on the tire?
First, the inflation pressure is specified as cold. The hot inflation pressure is what it is, but rule of thumb is that it shouldn't rise more than 3 to 5 psi.
The dominant factors in uneven wear are:
1) Alignment - IMHO, the tolerances for vehicle alignment to too wide by half. This is especially true for toe in. Modern radial tires do not like more than 1 /32" PER SIDE off nominal.
2) Regular rotation - Each wheel position has its own unique wear pattern. This leads to irregular and uneven wear, causing noise and vibration. To prevent this wear pattern from becoming a problem tires should be rotated every 6,000 to 8,000 iles.
3) Inflation pressure - especially too low. Too high has minimal effect provided it isn't too high. I recommend 3 to 5 psi above the placard.
4) Driving conditions - a lot of city driving (lots of turns compared with going straight) will result in wear on the shoulders of the front tires. Country driving (few turns compared with going straight) tends to wear the centers of the tread.
So you see there are quite a few factors involved and it is difficult to give a definitive answer to your question - too any factors. But I can't recommend anyone use more than 5 psi above what is stated on the placard, but I do recommend at least 3 psi.
Hope this helps.