Tires: Tires Adjustment, torque steer, left hand side

Car: Mercedes
Module: 230E
Year: 1991 Automatic
I bought the car 2 weeks ago with curve to the right problem.

Tires adjustment?
Car road adjustment?
I know both can cause the car to curve to the left or the right.
I replaced the front tires with new but still curved to right.
I moved the left tires all the way to the back (.25 cm) and right tires to the front by (.25). Both sides when measured showed .5 cm change.

Still the car curve to the right. I don't know what else to do.

By the way I did all this in the shop and they still can not figure out a way to stop the car from curving to the right of the road when I drive fast.  


We call what you have a "pull".  It can be caused by a number of things, tires and alignment being the most likely.

You've changed tires, so that probably eliminates tires as a cause.  The only thing you might do is to swap the front tires - side to side - and if the pull changes direction, then it is the tires.  If the pull doesn't change, then look at alignment.

Your description leads me to believe that the alignment was adjusted, but I don't know what dimension was changed.  However, in my opinion, the tolerances for vehicle alignment are pretty wide.  Wide enough that even if a vehicle is "in spec", it could cause problems.  So get the vehicle "on spec"!

There are a few other things that could also cause a pull.

A brake dragging, although this should also be felt ar low speeds.

Torque steer is a phenomenon with FWD and I believe your Merc is RWD.

A broken rear half shaft, although this should also be apparent at low speeds.

The one other, although re,ote possibility is that if you live in a country that drives on the left hand side of the road, and we've got tires not designed specifically for this, you would get a constant pull to the right, and maybe this would be more apparent at high speeds.

Hope this helps.