Tires: lawn tractor tires, lawn tractor tires, farm tires
QuestionI have a standard 42" cut lawn tractor with tires commonly found on Murry mowers. Could I partly fill the tires with antifreeze to increase traction on hills? If not, what liquid can I use and what percentage do I fill the tires with liquid? I understand that larger farm tractors use this idea.
I talked to a few folks who are knowledageable in the area of farm tires and they think the trouble you are getting into trying to fill your tires is not worth the effort. But here are a couple of suggestions.
First try adding some weight to the rear to see if that even helps. Someone suggested using gallon milk jugs filled with water. If this helps, the most popluar suggestion I heard was to try to secure some weight, lead bars or slabs of steel, to the chassis.
There were some who suggested your real problem may be the tires are worn out and you should try getting new ones. Several of these folks had problems like that.
Hope this helps.