Can a tire/wheel cause knocking noises?

Yes, tires and wheels can cause knocking noises for various reasons. Here are a few common causes:

Uneven Tire Wear: If your tire has uneven wear, such as cupping or scalloping, it can create a knocking noise as it rolls over the road. This is caused by the uneven contact of the tire with the road surface, resulting in a thumping sound.

Wheel Imbalance: When a wheel is out of balance, it can cause a knocking noise as the car moves. This happens because the weight of the wheel is unevenly distributed, creating vibrations that can be felt and heard as a knocking or thumping sound. Balancing the wheels can resolve this issue.

Loose Lug Nuts: If the lug nuts that hold the wheel to the hub are loose, it can lead to a knocking noise. Loose lug nuts allow the wheel to move slightly back and forth, resulting in a knocking or rattling sound. Always ensure that the lug nuts are tightened securely and check them periodically to make sure they remain tight.

Damaged Wheel Bearings: Worn-out or damaged wheel bearings can cause a knocking noise. Wheel bearings allow the wheels to rotate smoothly and freely. When they wear out or get damaged, they can produce a knocking sound as the wheel rotates.

Bent Rim: A bent wheel rim can cause knocking or scraping noises when the uneven surface of the rim hits the road. Driving on a bent rim can also damage other components of your car's suspension and steering systems.

It's important to identify and address the source of the knocking noise promptly to prevent further damage to your car. If you suspect that your tire or wheel is causing the noise, it's recommended to have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic or tire professional.